Family Trees

Sunday, 28 September 2008

Weddings at St Mary, Alderley

It's been one of those months - not helped, in a family history sense, by having to return to work after the summer holidays!

With less time to spare, the little research that I have done has been particularly unproductive; the underlying cause is, predictably, that I have exhausted the usual online sources of information and I am unable to visit record offices or museums at the moment, but keeping an eye on existing sources does still pay dividends as new records are added all the time. My growing collection of data CDs also helps and a chance find on the CD of parish records at St Mary Alderley (available at Alderley Church, Nether Alderley, amongst other places) has led me back to Liverpool and a completely new avenue of research - possibly a red herring, but anything is worth a couple of hours of online searching, if only to eliminate the people involved and therefore narrow the focus a little more.